These words that I write, they keep me from total insanity. -Charles Bukowski

Jun 30, 2012

People Who Think...

that there is much difference between either the Democrats or Republicans make me laugh.

Read a quote today, its an old one. Coming all the way from Robert Heinlein of "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" fame.

The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

The place where any political argument becomes funny and/or depressing is when someone actually thinks that there'll be a difference between a Democrat or Republican. Left/Right it doesn't matter, they're both the same thing coming from a different direction.

So there seems to be a few things that are getting all the publicity this election cycle.

First, the Scott Walker thing. Victory for Republicans, or so they said. I heard unions described as "thugs" and that they were bankrupting the state governments. But finally, a white knight showed up in the personage of Scott Walker and crushed the unions and their collective bargaining rights. Now government employees can't get those sweet raises they always get and they can't get all the benefits that civilian companies no longer give out.

First of all, I'm a Federal employee and I haven't gotten a raise in 3 years. Secondly, all I can see here is instead of people banding together to raise everyone up. They decided that they were going to tear the other side down.

Not since the industrial revolution and the days of Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt and Mellon has so much power been given to the employers.

Now the prevailing wisdom says that we should just let the businesses and business owners do what they do and naturally they'll create all these jobs and the economy will boom and everyone will be happy.

Oh, how quickly we forget our history. The industrial revolution was remembered for many things, among them were  the corporations and their penchant for paying their workers next to shit, and then making them buy everything from the company store on credit. Oh, and they also engaged in price fixing and monopolistic practices till they could fix the market and charge whatever the hell they wanted.

From that situation grew the unions. Jeez, hasn't anyone seen Newsies?

Secondly, Obamacare. You've got one side screaming TAX and one side screaming something else.

Now maybe Obamacare is a bad idea. Hell if I know. I know that at least he's doing something. Because there aren't many arguments that our health care system isn't broken.

Most Americans spend their lives one medical emergency away from the poor house. That's wrong.

Constitution says we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well, you can't pursue much sick, and if you're bed ridden then liberty means shit, so from where I'm sitting health care would be included in that right to life.

Here's a piece of this debate that I have never been able to figure out. Insurance for me is pretty cheap because we're in a huge pool. All federal employees pay into the system and the government throws in some also. Now that says to me that if the entire country were in this pool. Then the price would go down.

Instead of 2.1 million federal employees you would have the entire nation of 330 million. Blue Cross would have to give you some kind of group discount...right?

Another thing that bothers me. I'm always hearing that everyone's rates go up because the fucking poor people and the illegals are all going to our hospitals and not paying their bills so the hospital passes those expenses on to us. (Sounds like a nicely packaged argument to get the poor to kill each other) However, if everyone has insurance, then all the bills get paid and then prices should go down right?

Not a fucking chance America. Prices will never go down. They will only go up. Because we have willingly and idiotically thrown over 80% of the nation's wealth into the hands of 1% of the population. And they have created a political system which requires membership in the 1% to gain entrance. (You know any poor Senators?)


We live and toil in their world. We live paycheck to paycheck. They tax us to death, and then if we don't pay up they take everything you own. We buy their products, we work our lives away in their businesses while they go golfing.

They even managed to turn the tax system on its head. Its cliche but its true, Warren Buffet pays less in taxes on his income than his secretary does. And why? Because she earns her income with her labor whereas he earns his income passively with his investments. Capital gains tax is less than the income tax. We're about the stupidest bunch of fucktards ever, given the fact that we allowed this.

And we handed it to them. We built a country that was supposed to be the antithesis to Great Britain and its monarchy and aristocracy.

It took us about 200 years or so, but we just allowed our own to be created.

And now we're reaping the whirlwind of that, as they take up more and more of the wealth, and we work harder and harder just to keep our heads above water and a roof over our heads.

But I went off on a tangent there. I'm talking about the difference, or better yet the lack of difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Republicans talk about lowering taxes and fighting Obama's socialist policies while telling the country that they will fix social security. Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Let's get one thing straight people. Social security is a socialist as it gets. Take from the laborers and give to the retired. And do they pay social security on investment income?

Democrats talk about all these wonderful social programs they want to implement, all the while telling everyone they won't raise taxes.

Again, talking out of both sides of your mouth. You can't have more and pay the same. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Somehow, someway, someone paid for it.

I don't really much care about them, because if at any time the American people really wanted those fucks gone they'd be gone. What I do care about is the fact that American's are so blinded by the flashing lights and sirens the government and media put in front of them they can't see just how bad they're being fucked by the 1%.

America has gone to sleep, and allowed two groups (Dems and Republicans) to compete for the spoils of our labor. The funniest part of it all is that people actually believe that these politicians actually give a rat shit about anyone but themselves and the special interest groups that paid their way into the aristocracy.

Someday we, as a nation, might wake up. But it certainly doesn't look like it'll be anytime soon. I just hope that when we do wake up its not too late.

I'm done.

Later, I love you Mom...

Jun 27, 2012

I Think Our Giddy Ups Broke...

Few things to preface this entry...

#1 I've got an aunt that's a little crazy about this whole immigration thing. She believes that the Statue of Liberty's inscription should be amended...

Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...unless they're Mexican.

#2 I just cut down a whole bunch of brush in my back yard, and burned it all last weekend. I used my own fire pit and I used a trash can with holes specifically made for burning. We burned so much that the trash can was trashed. Completely burned through the bottom. Not much good anymore, time to throw that thing away.

#3 Tomorrow is trash day, so I took the trash out tonight. Two cans, a box, a recycling bin and this burn can.

Set the trash out at 8:17pm (I'm not making this up)

Started to smoke a cigarette in the backyard.

Heard a vehicle pull up. Heard the door slam, heard the back door open. By this time I had moved around the side of the house so I could see what was going on. Saw a guy, obviously Hispanic, maybe Mexican but hell if I know, and hell if I care.

He grabbed the burn can, loaded it into his van, and took it away. Ostensibly to be deposited at a recycling center sometime in the near future along with whatever else he can find. For which he'll receive around 40-50 cents a pound I guess. He was done and gone by 8:24pm. Seven minutes from placement on the curb to the back of this guy's van. Maybe another day or two till that can hits the recycling center and the money hits this man's pocket and back into the economy it goes because he's gotta eat, pay rent, put gas in his get the idea.

Now here's where I think our giddy up is broken. Here's a guy who for whatever reason is picking up scrap metal. Maybe he can't speak English, maybe he's got a conviction, maybe he's an illegal, God only knows what this guy's story is and truth be told I don't much care about that part of it.

How many guys do I know who aren't working? Quite a few, up until a couple weeks ago, my wonderful younger brother was out of work.

How many guys are sitting on their asses drawing whatever benefits they can squeeze out of Ole' Uncle Sam or their families and not doing a damn thing?

Quite a few. They say the unemployment rate is 8.2%, however that doesn't include the probably 12% of the long term unemployed who have simply given up looking for work. Always nice how the Government can cook the books to make things look nice.

What's stopping them from getting in their truck or van, or hell you could probably do it in a car if you were motivated enough?

Remember the story I told you about the kid painting addresses on the curb in my mom's neighborhood? Kid charged $5 per house, went up, asked if you wanted your address painted on, everyone did (ambulances and what not), took him about 3 minutes to paint it on, and off he went to the next house.

That kid paid his yearly college tuition doing that every summer. And that little shit went to U of I. Look up their tuition!

The point is, what happened to people? What happened to guys especially? Where's the testosterone? Where's the attitude that says, regardless of what happens to me I am going to keep swinging until I die?

This guy is willing to drive around the neighborhood and pick up other people's trash for money...

Kinda makes all your excuses seem a bit ridiculous...

But, I've never found myself in that situation so I guess I should just keep my mouth shut...

Fuck that.

Get your giddy up back, get off your ass, and do something!

I love you Mom...

Jun 23, 2012

It Should Be Legal To Viciously Flagellate Children, and Adults...

So, as of late I've seen two things that just about made me want to cry and then they made me want to inflict some serious Van-Damage (Child o' the 90's right there)

First. THIS.

What can anyone say to this?

Here's my take...

These children's names should be splattered all over the airwaves and the internet to ensure that their lives are sufficiently ruined that not only do they never even dream of doing some shit like this again, but every other kid who might have some tendencies like this sees what happened to them and they don't ever think about doing it either.

That's my first reaction. No thought, no consideration, no logic, just pure visceral reaction.

Thankfully, I'm not the one in charge of all that. Because I suppose completely destroying those little bastards lives is not quite the punishment called for.

However, when I was a kid I remember this vividly. I was in my front yard playing with the little girl from across the street. I was maybe 6 or 7 and she was probably about 5 or 6. I took one of her toys from her and started playing with it. She started to cry. My mom stuck her head out the door and asked what was wrong, she told on me. My mom came out the house and smacked me upside the head, grabbed the toy out of my hand, and when I tried to hold on to it, she bashed me in the skull again, and took the toy away from me and gave it back to her.

Then she turned back to me, grabbed me by the shirt and started in on me.

Why did you take that from her? Is it yours? She's just a little girl. You don't ever take things from people. Especially from people who can't fight back. Don't ever be a bully. I ever catch you bullying anyone and I'll beat you to within an inch of your life. Now apologize to her!!!

I don't care what anyone says, a good sound beating, and/or a good verbal thrashing, is good for kids. There are some things that you don't really need to reason with people about. I got smashed, because I bullied someone, and I was told that if I ever did it again I would get beaten to within an inch of my life.

Good enough for me. I was 10. Did I deserve to be reasoned with or coddled? Hell fucking NO. I learned that day that bullying came with the price of getting bashed in the head, and could quite possibly carry a sentence of "beaten to within an inch of life" So psychologically I associated bullying with a lot of unnecessary pain. And I never did it again.

I won't even get into what my mom did to me when I was disrespectful to adults, because I'm not sure the statute of limitations has run out on that yet.

Someone obviously forgot to give these punks their bash to the skull.

However, there is a happy ending. These kids and their parents are now getting death threats on their cell phones and a website raised something like half a million bucks for this nice lady.

That's poetic justice if ever there were such a thing!

And secondly, there's this.

Just more proof that a lot more people should've had a mom like mine, bashing them in the head.

So much air and food wasted, keeping these people alive.

But, at least we gave the nice lady a few hundred grand. So at least we're feeding some of the right people.

Later, I love you Mom...and thanks for bashing me in the head from time to time.

The 24 Inch Gauge...

 Like I said in my last post, I joined a lodge of Freemasons. Immediately upon starting the process you start to learn things. A lot of diff...