These words that I write, they keep me from total insanity. -Charles Bukowski

May 20, 2019

What Things Are Truly Under My Control...

Not a whole helluva lot really. There's a few things to be sure, but all in all if you really take a deep, hard look at life there isn't a whole lot of things that are under your control.

Other people: forget it. You've got a better chance of reversing the flow of blood in your veins than you do of controlling other people. Not to mention, if you try, they'll simply do whatever they can to make your life difficult.

Politics, I'm pretty sure that the politicians have no clue what the hell is going on, much less how to control it.

The weather, good luck with that. I'm pretty sure that every place on earth says the exact same thing about the weather in their locale. If you don't like it, wait 10 minutes, it'll change.

The only thing you can control is your mind. Your reactions. How things affect you. Do they knock you off your track, or do they not even register? What else can you control? Your actions. Sure you can control your actions, but then the world gets to react to your actions, and you can react to those actions and on and on. So who is really driving that bus?

Your attitude and your reactions. Your thoughts and emotions. These are the only things I can think of that I can control. Now, can I do it? I certainly think so, but I'm not arrogant enough to claim that I have complete dominion over my mind. How can I make it so?

The 24 Inch Gauge...

 Like I said in my last post, I joined a lodge of Freemasons. Immediately upon starting the process you start to learn things. A lot of diff...