These words that I write, they keep me from total insanity. -Charles Bukowski

Mar 28, 2019

How Does One Take Control...

I've been reading a whole lot of crazy shit lately. I've been reading about the manosphere, which is a real thing. I've been reading about hypergamy, which is a females tendency to discard a mate when a better one comes along. I've been reading about alpha males, which I'm not entirely sure is a real thing.

Now needless to say, these are pretty biased opinions and points of view for me to be reading while I'm in the middle of a life altering situation with my wife. So could I be sabotaging myself and us. I absolutely could be. I don't think so but its possible.

I've got two different slants on the whole thing. 1. Game on, all the pussy you could get. 2. Bounce, she's just opening the door so she can look for something better guilt free.

I have a tendency...nay a full blow pathology, where I will always think the worst of people and when it comes to my wife that can get me into trouble. Mostly because I'm rarely right. Most people will always do whatever benefits them the most. The only thing you have to figure out is if they are thinking short, medium or long term. What are their goals. That's the trick is figuring that out. Once you do you can make accurate assumptions about their actions.

Without that you run into pretty simple problems, like the fact that what is good in the short term is probably not good for the medium or long term and any other combination thereof. So, they're thinking long term and you act on the assumption of short term thinking and you lose.

Losing is exactly what you want to avoid. Let's get Steven Covey in here. Let's think win/win.

She wins, and so do I. The kids win, the family wins. Hell even the dogs win. Is there somehow this could look that would deliver that kind of a situation?

That's next in line to figure out.

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