These words that I write, they keep me from total insanity. -Charles Bukowski

Jul 3, 2019

It Has Begun...Red Pill?

I think I told you last time around that the lovely wife has started moving her shit into the new apartment. So it has begun...

Remember that part from Mortal Kombat? 

Okay, now that we've got the video game movie reference out of the way for today, we can get on to more important issues. Like this lovely new thing I've been reading about online lately that has been cracking me up.

The Red Pill: Another movie reference to the Matrix now, but a movie reference nonetheless. This is part of the manosphere, men's movement or whatever you want to call it. I'm not 100% sure what to make of it just yet. But first a little background,

The Urban Dictionary defines the "red pill" as: Signifies the recognition of the true nature of female behavior, including her attraction to traits of dominance, preference for men with status, attraction to men who have been pre-selected by other women, and hypergamous nature. Red Pill men are aware that women are strongly influenced by the culture and that their attraction cues are often outside of their conscious awareness. Increasingly, modern women, and especially Western women, indulge in one-night stands and short-term relationship in their 20s with alpha males, followed by seeking out a beta male provider in their late 20s and early 30s. Red Pill men are aware of this phenomenon and develop a sexual strategy to benefit from a woman's promiscuity as well as avoid the financial peril of marriage. Married men can also be Red Pill, as their awareness helps them handle female shit tests and maintain attraction with their partner.

A man who has taken the Red Pill is committed to self-improvement and adapting to the reality of female behavior whether that be through the application of game in his relationships and/or withdrawing from LTRs.

That's a lot to unpack. So what led me to reading all this shit? Well, its been a rough road with the wife as of late. I suppose I was looking for the echo chamber that would tell me that I'm right, she's wrong and I'm a victim of the evil matriarchy masquerading as a patriarchy. Blah, blah blah. And for a bit that's exactly what I got. But the more and more I got into it the more and more I think I learned about people and by extension of that myself.

So where did this red pill come from? Fucked if I know for sure, and its the internet so you'll never be able to totally track down its roots...that is lost to a sea of 1s and 0s. In any case, the theory I have of how it got going, and this is simply what my little pea brain dreamed up in the moments prior to me writing this:

Somewhere a while back, some man or men who knew each other all got royally burned by the women in their life. Wives having babies with other men, some horrendous shit like that. Or better yet, one of those guys who has to pay child support on a kid that's proven to not be his...yeah, those guys. Instead of channeling their anger and hate into a drunken bender with a lead meal at the end these guys decided to start writing and trying to piece together what the fuck happened to them and their lives. Now instead of blaming the "woman" singular. They blamed, "women" plural. Now, there's not a rational, intelligent person left on earth really who thinks blaming an entire population for the sins of one or a few is a good idea anymore. I know for a fact, because I blame entire hemispheres for the actions of 19 guys and I am certainly not someone to be listened least not where policy is concerned. Anyway, off that tangent and back to blame.

Where as these guys should've blamed their ex-wife Sheila, they blamed all the Sheilas the world over. And they started building a philosophy around it. Some of these guys realized that the philosophy they were building had (in the short term) a dramatic effect on their lives especially in the area of meeting females and talking their knees apart. Now did they simply use this new found knowledge for good? Say, use it to teach guys who are forever stuck in virginland how to do it? Well, yes they did, but they also used it as proof positive that the female of the species is inherently evil. And they wrote about it, and studied it, and unpacked it, and researched it, and on and on they went. They even picked up a few acolytes along the way. Pook, Rollo Tommassi, and a few others are the big dogs to my knowledge. They even found a willing segment of the women of the world to agree with them. You know these girls...they're the ones who can say, "I'm not like other girls" and keep a straight face! Then with the advent of blogs and twitter and facebook and the endless proliferation of information that is the modern day interweb they realized that they could parlay this philosophy into some big money. Or at least that's my contention. I can see why a true believer would want to spread this information far and wide, but what I can't see is a man of little or no means doing what these guys do.

Its books, its websites, its online courses, its twitter, its speaking engagements, its fucking speaking tours. Its merchandise, and on and on it goes. At least Rollo Tomassi says he does it for free on his website, but he does ask for donations to Greyhounds. So I'm sure he's getting some cheddar for all this but its not a certainty that he's getting rich off it. But some are.

The reason that I bring up Rollo Tomassi is that he's the chief. He's the prophet. He's the figurehead for all of this. Type in manosphere and he pops right up. Men's movement, same shit.

So I'd like to learn more about him. Which I will in the near future but if anyone knows any shortcuts for me I am all in favor of those!

Next thing they get into or one of their big topics is "hypergamy" which I didn't even think was a word originally because you listen to any 2 of these guys on youtube and they both pronounce it differently. So I was thinking it was a situation like, "irregardless" (if you use that word you should be set on fire in a dumpster)

Basically, the word means, "marrying someone of a superior economic class than yourself"

Okay, so on its face it isn't sexist, but lets be real, there aren't a lot of rich women marrying the pool boy. They'll fuck him that's for sure, but they marry men who've got just as much if not more. Its rich guys that marry poor women. So women, if they're attractive enough can circumvent pretty much every meritocracy there is. And walk off with all the money.

To which I say, BITCHES! Not because I'm mad about it, but because I'm jealous. If all I had to do to be successful was be hot? I think I could pull it off. Now granted, very few women are hot enough to circumvent all the meritocracies. I'd guess we're talking about less than one-tenth of one percent could actually pull it off.

In any case, the manosphere has taken the actions of a small subset of women and blasted every split tail on earth with their vitriol. This is the point where, if they read this, they'll call me a cuck or cuckold, or soyboy or some other shit. Not to worry, sticks and stones and all that.

My answer to the question of hypergamy is simple, why the fuck not? If a woman can improve herself, the lives of her children and the lives of the man she marries by actively doing the things required to land a high value man, why shouldn't she do that?

My answer would be to the guys that don't like it, increase your value brother. Make more money, get better sex. That is simple. Its not a debatable point as far as the world around me is concerned. And do not give me the whole, "I love my husband and I've only been with him and he's not rich and blah, blah, blah" Okay, assuming all that's true, so what? You're one of a few billion. By in large, and on average, hypergamy is what happens, because its valuable to the survival of our species and the proliferation of strong genes. Rich kids live longer and have more children that live.

Why did I get on this rant? I was looking for an echo chamber to tell me my wife is a horrible person for what she's doing. What I found was an answer that gave birth to thousands more questions.

The answer I found is this, men and women, people in general are absolutely limitless in their capacity for insecurity. In that area at least, I am exceptional. More to come...

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